Camions militaires Chevrolet (2e GM) - USA : livres

Un livre sur les camions militaires Chevrolet ? Découvrez ici des livres sur l'histoire et la technique des camions militaires De la 2e G.M. Des États-Unis.

U.S. Army Chevrolet Trucks in World War II : 1 ½-Ton, 4x4

Between 1940 and 1945, large numbers of trucks of all categories were delivered to the U.S. Army by the Chevrolet Motor Division of General Motors. Over 160,000 of these trucks were the G-506 light four-wheel drive trucks - which became the standard 1 ½-ton, 4x4 truck for both the U.S. Army and Army Air Corps during the war. In addition, many more thousands were delivered to Allied forces as part of the Lend-Lease program, including nearly 50,000 delivered to the Soviet Union.

Tough, well-built and more agile than the deuce and a half, the Chevy 1 ½-ton played a part in every theater of operations during the war. Its durability and mechanical reliability made it ideal for a wide range of missions. Not for nothing did Chevy advertise the trucks during the war as "Vehicles of victory."

More than 75 years after it was designed, the small Chevrolet truck is still a favourite with collectors. This fully illustrated book details the different series of trucks and their many uses within the U.S. Army including cargo trucks, panel delivery trucks for the Signal Corps, dump trucks for engineers, telephone trucks, tractors, bomb service trucks for the air force. It also covers their part in the Lend-Lease program, and their continued use after the war.


Auteur :Didier Andres
Présentation :144 pages, 26 x 21 x 0.9 cm, relié
Illustration :abondamment illustré avec des photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :Casemate Books (GB, 2020)
U.S. Army Chevrolet Trucks in World War II : 1 ½-Ton, 4x4

U.S. Army Chevrolet Trucks in World War II : 1 ½-Ton, 4x4

Langue : anglais

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Dernière actualisation : 03/02/2025