Westland Lynx et Sea Lynx : livres - histoire et déploiement

Un livre sur les hélicoptères militaires Westland Lynx ou Sea Lynx ? Découvrez ici des livres sur l'histoire des hélicoptères militaires Westland.

Westland Sea Lynx


Dieser Band widmet sich dem seit Jahrzehnten in treuen Diensten bei der deutschen Marine stehenden Sea Lynx. Von deutschen Fregatten ist diese Maschine nicht wegzudenken: sie erhöht wesentlich die Reichweite und Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit der Schiffe. Sensoren und Waffen des Helikopters sind auf seine Hauptrolle, die U-Boot-Jagd, ausgelegt. Zwei Hubschrauber sind jeweils an Bord.

Neben der Technik bilden im Buch Reportagen einen weiteren Schwerpunkt, sprich »Dabeisein« bei Einsätzen, U-Jagd-Training sowie Wartung. Selbstverständlich wird auch der weltweite Einsatz des seit Jahrzehnten erfolgreichen Musters beleuchtet.

Auteur :Ulf Kaack, Sönke Nielsen
Présentation :224 pages, 27 x 23.5 x 1.9 cm, relié
Illustration :200 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2023)
Série :Flugzeugtypen
Westland Sea Lynx

Westland Sea Lynx

Langue : allemand

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Westland Lynx Manual (1976 to pesent) - An insight into the design, construction, operation and maintenance

The Westland Lynx is the Royal Navy's agile, versatile, multi-role combat ship-borne helicopter that has been in service around the world for over 40 years, from Antarctica to the Gulf and Caribbean.
During that time it has fought in wars, provided humanitarian assistance and has been used for geological survey work.

Pages du livre Westland Lynx Manual (1)

Aviation engineer and author Lee Howard was on the MOD's Lynx Project Team for many years and as such he has a unique insider-knowledge of how the Lynx works and what it has done in its long service life with the Royal Navy.

Pages du livre Westland Lynx Manual (2)

Auteur :Lee Howard
Présentation :160 pages, 28 x 21.5 x 1.3 cm, relié
Illustration :abondamment illustré avec des photos en couleurs
Editeur :Haynes Publishing (GB, 2016)
Série :Haynes Aircraft Manual

▶  Plus d'informations sur les "Haynes Aircraft Manuals"

Westland Lynx Manual (1976 to pesent) - An insight into the design, construction, operation and maintenance

Westland Lynx Manual (1976 to pesent) - An insight into the design, construction, operation and maintenance

Langue : anglais

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The Royal Navy Lynx : An Operational History

This book tells the story of an incredibly capable naval aircraft, based primarily on the words of those who flew and maintained it. Beginning with the Lynx's entry into service in 1976, it goes on to discuss its remarkable performance in the Falklands War.
Here it was used in both its primary roles of anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare, as well as several others for which it had never been designed, such as Airborne Early Warning and anti-Exocet missile counter measures.

The Lynx has been continuously employed in the Gulf from 1980 until the present day. What is not generally known is the fact that these aircraft were responsible for effectively destroying the Iraqi navy, sinking over fifteen warships in a matter of a weeks. All related operational details are included here.

Also included are accounts of operations conducted around the world, including anti-drug interdiction, Arctic deployments, Search and Rescue, hurricane relief, as well as a few notable mishaps. Also described is the development of the aircraft from the Mark 2 to the current Mark 8 (SRU), bringing the narrative fully up to date.
Although only a snapshot, the stories narrated here offer the reader a real understanding of the capabilities of an aircraft with a truly remarkable history of service.

Auteur :Larry Jeram-Croft
Présentation :289 pages, 25.5 x 18.5 x 2.4 cm, relié
Illustration :200 photos en N&B et couleurs
Editeur :Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2017)
The Royal Navy Lynx : An Operational History

The Royal Navy Lynx : An Operational History

Langue : anglais

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