Vehículos militares - Alemania: libros - historia, modelos y técnica
¿Un libro sobre vehículos militares? Encuentre aquí libros ilustrados sobre la historia, los tipos y la técnica de vehículos militares de Alemania.
World War II German Field Weapons & Equipment - A Visual Reference Guide
This title is the first in a series that employs a simple and effective concept to illustrate and describe the multiplicity of equipment and weapons systems used on the ground during World War II. Whilst many books have described such weapons and war materiel, Keith Ward's unique abilities as a 3D technical artist bring these items to life, illustrated throughout in full colour.
Here, in a single concise volume, are all major and many minor and less well-known items of German weaponry and equipment, rendered precisely, including detailed cutaways showing their internal workings, information which is often absent from other publications. Technical details are also provided. This is an essential volume for anyone interested in the German Armed Forces of World War II.
Detalles del libro
Keith (University College Birmingham, UK) Ward
144 páginas, 30 x 21 x 0.9 cm, tapa blanda
300+ fotos a color
Helion & Company (GB, 2014)
World War II German Field Weapons & Equipment - A Visual Reference Guide
German Military Vehicles in the Spanish Civil War - A Comprehensive Study of the Deployment of German Military Vehicles on the Eve of WW2
A comprehensive and up-to-date study of the combat and logistics vehicles which formed part of the German contingent that fought in the Spanish Civil War alongside the rebels. The Panzer I, which so surprised the world in the Polish campaign and initially equipped the German Panzerdivisionen, was first seen in the Spanish Civil War, together with a wide range of war materiel such as anti-tank guns, flamethrowers, and so on.
This book looks at a wide range of vehicles: from the humblest motorcycle to the Horch staff car; from Opel Blitz, MAN Diesel, Mercedes, and Krupp trucks to the enormous Vomag 3LR 443 truck; not forgetting all the different types of military ambulances seen in Spain during the war years. Never has such a comprehensive, painstaking and graphical study been made of vehicles used by the German contingent in the Spanish Civil War. The book contains over 500 top quality images, most of them previously unpublished, with each model that served in Spain perfectly identified.
Detalles del libro
José Mara Manrique, Jose Mara Mata, Lucas Molina
231 páginas, 24 x 16.5 x 1.9 cm, tapa dura
500+ fotos en b/n y color
Pen & Sword Books Ltd (GB, 2017)
German Military Vehicles in the Spanish Civil War - A Comprehensive Study of the Deployment of German Military Vehicles on the Eve of WW2
German Military Vehicles of World War II - An Illustrated Guide to Cars, Trucks, Half-tracks, Motorcycles, Amphibious Vehicles and Others
Presents a cross-section of the most common transport vehicles produced and used by the German army. Tanks plus auxiliary vehicles such as cars, motorcycles, vans, ambulances, trucks and tractors made it possible for the troops to keep moving. These lightly armored or unarmored vehicles - aka "soft skins" - operated behind the front lines, maintaining supply lines, connecting armies with their home bases, and ultimately determining the outcome of battle.
Beginning with the development of military vehicles in the early 1930s, this volume discusses the ways in which this new technology influenced and, to some extent, facilitated Hitler's program of rearmament. Nomenclature, standard equipment, camouflage and the combat roles of the various vehicles are thoroughly examined. Individual vehicle types are arranged and discussed by the following classifications: cars and motorcycles; trucks and tractors; half-tracks and wheeled combat vehicles. Accompanied by well-researched, detailed line drawings, each section deals with a number of individual vehicles, describing their design, manufacture and specific use.
Detalles del libro
Jean-Denis Lepage
220 páginas, 25 x 18 x 1.3 cm, tapa blanda
264 fotos en b/n y color
McFarland & Co Inc (USA, 2007)
German Military Vehicles of World War II - An Illustrated Guide to Cars, Trucks, Half-tracks, Motorcycles, Amphibious Vehicles and Others
Militärfahrzeuge des deutschen Heeres 1905-1918 (Typenkompass)
Auch wenn Wilhelm II. der Überzeugung war, dass Kraftfahrzeuge nur eine vorübergehende Erscheinung wären und im Ersten Weltkrieg der Pferdewagen dominierte: in Diensten des kaiserlichen Heeres waren viele Motorräder, Personen- und Lastwagen, Zugmaschinen und zuletzt auch Panzerwagen unterwegs.
In diesem Buch werden die wichtigsten Fahrzeuge der deutschen Armee zwischen 1905 und 1918 vorgestellt. Jeder Typ wird anhand eines Fotos, einer historischen Beschreibung und eines technischen Datenblatts vorgestellt.
Fahrzeuge der Reichswehr - Radfahrzeuge 1920-1935 (Spielberger)
Offiziell hatte die Reichswehr der Weimarer Zeit nie mehr als 100.000 Mitglieder, keine schweren Waffen und keine gepanzerten Fahrzeuge; in den Manövern dienten Autos mit Sperrholzaufbau als Panzer-Attrappen. Insgeheim aber waren Forschungen und Arbeiten längst in Gange, es fuhren Panzer-Prototypen, als "Traktor" bemäntelt, durch die sowjetische Steppe, und nur wenige wussten davon.
In diesem Spielberger-Band werden jene Entwicklungen vorgestellt, welche dann die Wehrmacht in der ersten Phase des Zweiten Weltkriegs motorisierten. Mit vielen Abbildungen, allen technischen Daten und Fakten vorgestellt und bis ins Detail gehend untermauert.
Panzer und Radfahrzeuge von Reichswehr und Wehrmacht
Esta edición revisada de la obra de referencia de Werner Oswald ofrece una visión completa de los vehículos militares utilizados por la Reichswehr y la Wehrmacht. Cubre una amplia variedad de vehículos, desde los primeros automóviles blindados hasta tractores y vehículos raros. La estructura clara del libro destaca tanto los desarrollos técnicos como históricos, que hasta ahora eran difíciles de entender, incluso para los expertos. No existe ninguna documentación más detallada sobre la motorización de las fuerzas armadas alemanas hasta 1945.
Detalles del libro
Werner Oswald
448 páginas, 27.5 x 23.5 x 3 cm, tapa dura
1204 fotos b/n, 9 dibujos
Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2025)
Panzer und Radfahrzeuge von Reichswehr und Wehrmacht
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