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Dodge army trucks (WW 2) - USA: books - history and models

A book on Dodge army trucks? Explore here illustrated books on the history, types and construction of army trucks from World War II from USA.

Dodge WW2 (1940-1945) - Brooklands Portfolio

Brooklands Portfolio book about the military Dodge models from the years 1940-1945, including the Beep. Also attention for the General Grant, Sherman and Pershing tanks that were manufactured by Chrysler's Tank Arsenal in Detroit.

The 22 articles, taken from contemporary British and American magazines, provide much information about history, variants and technology.


Details:140 pages, 27 x 20 x 0.9 cm / 10.6 x 7.9 x 0.35 in, paperback
Illustrations:profusely illustrated
Publisher:Brooklands Books (GB, 2000)

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Dodge WW2 (1940-1945) - Brooklands Portfolio

Dodge WW2 (1940-1945)

Language: English

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Dodge Power Wagons 1940-1980 Photo Archive

Sturdy, go-anywhere, Dodge Power Wagons were used for numerous on- and off-road jobs, from fire rescue to maintaining horse racing tracks.
This is the only exclusive and comprehensive photo history of the rugged Dodge Power Wagon (including its WWII predecessors), covering all years, models and types -military and civilian.


Author:Don Bunn
Details:1998128 pages, 21.5 x 26 x 0.8 cm / 8.5 x 10.25 x 0.31 in, paperback
Illustrations:122 b&w photos
Publisher:Iconografix (USA, 1998)
Dodge Power Wagons 1940-1980 Photo Archive

Dodge Power Wagons 1940-1980

Language: English

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Dodge, sur les voies de la liberté

In the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, the overseas industry mobilized all its forces to devote itself solely to war production. Chrysler, one of the three major automobile manufacturers, then resolutely committed itself to numerous weapons programs: armored vehicles, munitions, artillery pieces, and aircraft engines came out of the group's factories in large numbers.

But it was especially in the range of light tactical vehicles that Chrysler, through its subsidiary Dodge and with its 750 kg 4x4 pickup truck, demonstrated all its know-how. Called Weapons Carrier, the vehicle benefited from the experience acquired since 1939 with pickup trucks that were regularly improved in terms of mechanics and performance as well as general silhouette.

Pages of the book Dodge, sur les voies de la liberte (1)

The Weapons Carrier came in multiple versions - personnel transport, medical, radio, command vehicle - and was delivered widely to the US Army, but also to the Allies, British, Soviet or Free French.
Robust and reliable, Dodge vans continued to serve well after the conflict, in many Western armies as well as in the civilian sector where, after their reform, they pursued a new and long career.


Author:Jean-Michel Boniface
Details:144 pages, 28 x 21.5 cm / 11 x 8.5 in, hardback
Illustrations:250 b&w and 100 colour photos
Publisher:ETAI (F, 2003)
Dodge, sur les voies de la liberté

Dodge, sur les voies de la liberté

Language: French

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Last update: 03/02/2025