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Coasters: books - history, types and shipping companies

A book on coasters? Here you will find books on the history, types, shipping companies and construction of coasters.

Coasters of the 1970s (Volume 1)

Written by Bernard McCall, this book has 83 colour photographs of coasters built during the 1970s. The photographs date from the 1970s up to the present day and we see some ships in their original guise and others after being sold and/or modernised.
Detailed captions accompanying the photographs tell more about the history of the ship.

Author:Bernard McCall
Specs:80 pages, 19.5 x 24.5 cm / 7.7 x 9.7 in, hardback
Illustrations:83 colour photographs
Publisher: (, 2015)
Book: Coasters of the 1970s (Volume 1)

Coasters of the 1970s (Volume 1)

Language: English

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Coasters of the 1970s (Volume 2)

This hardback full-colour album details coasters built in the 70s over 96 pages and with 106 photographs. Some ships remain in their original guise while others are documented throughout their life after being sold and/or modernised.
The colour photographs are accompanied by detailed captions that tell more about the ship and, in some cases, the building yard.

Author:Bernard McCall
Specs:96 pages, 19.5 x 24.5 cm / 7.7 x 9.7 in, hardback
Illustrations:106 colour photographs
Publisher:Bernard McCall (GB, 2016)
Book: Coasters of the 1970s (Volume 2)

Coasters of the 1970s (Volume 2)

Language: English

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Last update:15-06-2024