M4 Sherman - USA: Bücher - Geschichte und Modelle (3/4)

Ein Buch über Panzer? Entdecken Sie hier Bildbände über die Geschichte und Modelle der Panzer aus den USA (3/4).

M4 Sherman - Entwicklung, Technik, Einsatz

Benannt nach einem berühmt-berüchtigten Unions-General im amerikanischen Bürgerkrieg, war der Kampfpanzer Sherman M4 den stärksten deutschen Konkurrenten gegen Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges eigentlich in vielerlei Hinsicht unterlegen.

Doch in der Praxis bewährte sich dieser berühmteste, vielseitigste und am meisten gebaute US-Panzer, sodass er sogar noch nach Kriegsende in über 30 Staaten Verwendung fand - teilweise bis über das Jahr 2000 hinaus!

Pat Ware erzählt in diesem Band nicht nur die Entwicklungs- und Einsatzgeschichte des Sherman M4, sondern erklärt auch alle seine wichtigen Ausführungen.

Seiten aus dem Buch M4 Sherman - Entwicklung, Technik, Einsatz (1)

Deutsche Edition des englischen Haynes Buches "Sherman Tank Manual".

Seiten aus dem Buch M4 Sherman - Entwicklung, Technik, Einsatz (2)


Autor:Pat Ware
Ausführung:160 Seiten, 26.5 x 23 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:350 farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Motorbuch Verlag (D, 2018)
M4 Sherman - Entwicklung, Technik, Einsatz

M4 Sherman - Entwicklung, Technik, Einsatz

Sprache: Deutsch

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Sherman Medium Tank 1942-45 (Osprey)

The M4 Sherman tank was the mainstay of the Western allies between 1942 and 1945. Fast and modern it was better than most of the tanks Britain had to offer. The American Chief of Staff claimed in November 1943 that it had been hailed widely as ‘the best tank on the battlefield today'. However, by the time of the Normandy invasion of June 1944 this was not the case. The new heavy tanks being produced by the Germans were able to outclass the Sherman in both armour and armament.

This title describes the development and operational use of the Sherman medium tank throughout World War II and beyond.

Contents: Design and Development - Variants - Firepower - Protection - Mobility - Operational History - The Sherman in Post-war Combat.


Autor:Steven J. Zaloga
Ausführung:48 Seiten, 25 x 11 x 0.6 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 1993)
Serie:New Vanguard (3)
Sherman Medium Tank 1942-45 (Osprey)

Sherman Medium Tank 1942-45

Sprache: Englisch

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M4 (76mm) Sherman Medium Tank 1943-1965 (Osprey)

The M4 Sherman tank was the mainstay of the Western allies between 1942 and 1945. Fast and modern it was a big success and was transported as far afield as Russia and North Africa. The American Chief of Staff claimed in November 1943 it was 'hailed widely as the best tank on the battlefield today...'. However, by the Normandy invasion of June 1944 this was not the case: the new German heavy tanks such as the Panther and Tiger were completely outclassing the Sherman.

This title covers the M4 version armed with the 76 mm gun, examining developments such as the HVSS suspension, using much new archive material.

Contents: Introduction - Combat debut - The 17-pdr option - Into production - Initial deployment problems - The shock of war - new ammunition - Problems and solutions - Upgunning the M4 tank - The M4 (76mm) in other theaters - Lend-Lease M4 (76mm) - Post-war export - The Korean war - Color plate commentary - Index.


Autor:Steven J. Zaloga
Ausführung:48 Seiten, 24.5 x 17 x 0.3 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2003)
Serie:New Vanguard (73)
M4 (76mm) Sherman Medium Tank 1943-1965 (Osprey)

M4 (76mm) Sherman Medium Tank 1943-1965

Sprache: Englisch

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Sherman Firefly (Osprey)

The most powerfully gunned tank fielded by the Allies during World War II was the Sherman Firefly. An ordinary American-built Sherman modified by the British, the Firefly had the firepower that could finally match the awesome German tanks that had dominated Europe.
David Fletcher examines the controversy that dogged the Firefly and the psychological boost the tank provided to Allied forces. Exploring its successes and failures on the battlefield and providing a realistic assessment of the tank's worth, this is essential reading for anyone wanting to know the facts about a tank variant that quickly developed its own mythology.

Contents: Introduction - The 17-pounder - Developments at Lulworth - Designing the Firefly - The Conversion Programme - Ammunition - Concrete Busters - The Firefly in Action - The American Angle - Supply and Demand - What's in a Name? - Index.


Autor:David Fletcher
Ausführung:48 Seiten, 24.5 x 18.5 x 0.4 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2008)
Serie:New Vanguard (141)
Sherman Firefly (Osprey)

Sherman Firefly

Sprache: Englisch

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Sherman Crab Flail Tank (Osprey)

The Sherman Crab Flail tank was the powerful culmination of a series of mine-clearing flail tanks developed during World War II. Here, David Fletcher recounts how the Sherman Crabs were among the first tanks ashore on D-Day and as the war progressed they were in constant demand both for formal attacks and more incidental operations. Following the development of the tank and its use in the war, he details the US Army's initial lack of interest in the flail, but how after cooperative actions with the British, they too decided to adopt the type themselves.
In addition to its special mine-clearing role the Sherman Crab was also capable of fighting in tank duels, and this book includes dramatic accounts of its use by the famous 79th Armoured Division and the US Army. The author explores the beginnings of the design in the Matilda Scorpion and Baron flails, developed for the Valentine and M3 Grant tanks, through to the Sherman, and particularly the Crab version.

Contents: Introduction - Alamein Debut - Developments in Britain - Prototypes Proliferate - The Scorpions Spread· The Crabs Move In - The American Angle - Post-War Developments - Bibliography - Colour Plate Commentary - Index.


Autor:David Fletcher
Ausführung:48 Seiten, 22 x 18.5 x 0.4 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2007)
Serie:New Vanguard (139)
Sherman Crab Flail Tank (Osprey)

Sherman Crab Flail Tank

Sprache: Englisch

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Swimming Shermans - Sherman DD amphibious tank of World War II (Osprey)

The Sherman DD (Duplex Drive) tank was a brilliant innovation; the design and development of a tank that could float and even 'swim' in water was controversial. Each tank was enveloped in a waterproofed canvas screen, launched at sea from landing craft and then 'swam' to shore, where the screens were deflated, allowing the tanks to operate as fighting vehicles.

This book discusses the Sherman DD's many variants, including the prototype Valentine DD tank and examines the successes and tragic failures on the beaches of Normandy and further into North-West Europe, including the challenge of crossing the River Rhine.

Contents: Introduction - Design and development - Operational History - Variants - Colour plate commentary.


Autor:David Fletcher
Ausführung:48 Seiten, 24.5 x 18.5 x 0.4 cm, kartoniert
Abbildungen:Fotos und Zeichnungen (in s/w und Farbe)
Verlag:Osprey Publishing (GB, 2006)
Serie:New Vanguard (123)
Swimming Shermans - Sherman DD amphibious tank of World War II (Osprey)

Swimming Shermans - Sherman DD amphibious tank of World War II

Sprache: Englisch

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La saga du Sherman

Bien au-delà de la simple narration, l'ouvrage La saga du Sherman s'articule autour d'un tank mais se décompose en plusieurs facettes. Didactique, informel, historique et pragmatique, il met en avant le rôle et les difficultés des équipages qui ont servi ce char mythique.

Les écueils techniques et les solutions trouvées par les concepteurs sont expliquées, les différentes méthodes de combat mises au point par les alliés sont détaillées, qu'il s'agisse d'un débarquement depuis un L.C.T, une progression dans le bocage, une bataille dans la neige ou une panne au fond d'un trou de boue.

Construire un char le meilleur soit-il n'est pas un gage de victoire. Encore faut-il que l'équipage qui le serve soit instruit et formé ; c'est là que se trouve le début de la réussite. Il faut ensuite " préparer " cet équipage à vivre des situations de combat, lui inculquer que l'erreur en temps de guerre se paie " cash ", et que l'addition rappelle souvent la Camarde.

L'ouvrage, non seulement évoque ces situations, mais liste de façon exhaustive les équipements, les motorisations, les modèles engendrés et les nombreux types de Sherman. Chaque fois que nécessaire, les explications techniques sont claires et précises de sorte que pour le lecteur, la chose devient une évidence.

Complet ? Mieux que cela ! Ce livre traite de la réparation et du maintien en condition, tandis que toute la logistique nécessaire au combat est expliquée.
Collectionneur, passionné d'histoire militaire, inconditionnel de l'engin blindé ou maquettiste, en lisant cet ouvrage vous aurez le sentiment de faire partie de l'équipage, et le meilleur du " Sherman " est à consommer dans ces pages.


Autor:Michel Esteve
Ausführung:232 Seiten, 30.5 x 22 x 2.2 cm, gebunden
Abbildungen:zahlreiche farbige und s/w-Abbildungen
Verlag:Editions Heimdal (F, 2018)
La saga du Sherman

La saga du Sherman

Sprache: Französisch

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Andere Bücher in dieser Kategorie:

[DUE] Sherman Firefly vs Tiger - Normandy 1944

Sherman Firefly vs Tiger - Normandy 1944

Stephen A. Hart | Englisch | kartoniert | 80 S. | 2007

Armored Thunderbolt - The U.S. Army Sherman

Armored Thunderbolt - The U.S. Army Sherman in World War II

Steven J. Zaloga | Englisch | gebunden | 360 S. | 2008

M4 Sherman (Images of War)

M4 Sherman - Rare photograhs from wartime archives

Pat Ware, Brian Delf | Englisch | kartoniert | 144 S. | 2014

Sherman Tank (Images of War)

Sherman Tank - Rare photographs from Wartime Archives

Gavin Birch | Englisch | kartoniert | 192 S. | 2005

Panzer IV vs Sherman : France 1944

Panzer IV vs Sherman : France 1944

Steven J. Zaloga | Englisch | kartoniert | 80 S. | 2015

[DUE] Panther vs Sherman - Battle of the Bulge 1944

Panther vs Sherman - Battle of the Bulge 1944

Steven J. Zaloga | Englisch | kartoniert | 80 S. | 2008

M4 Sherman vs Type 97 Chi-Ha: The Pacific 1945

M4 Sherman vs Type 97 Chi-Ha : The Pacific 1945

Steven J. Zaloga | Englisch | kartoniert | 80 S. | 2012

USMC M4A2 Sherman vs Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go

USMC M4A2 Sherman vs Japanese Type 95 Ha-Go - The Central Pacific 1943-44

Romain Cansiere, Ed Gilbert | Englisch | kartoniert | 80 S. | 2021

Letzte Aktualisierung: 19/02/2025